Ming Li Eliminated by Marvin Rettenmaier

Jul 24, 2018

Marvin Rettenmaier
Photo:  The betting details for this hand were given to us by Marvin Rettenmaier.

Ming Li raises to 9,000 from early position, Young Soo Kim calls from the hijack and WPT Champions Club member Marvin Rettennmaier three-bets to 42,000 from the big blind. Both Li and Kim call.

The flop falls Diamond 10Diamond 8Heart 3, Rettenmaier bets 53,000 and Li raises to 160,000. Kim folds, Rettenmaier reraises all in and Li calls all in for about 205,000 total.

Li: Diamond ADiamond 7
Rettenmaier: Diamond KHeart K

Li’s flush draw fails to get there as the Club 2 turn and Spade Q river complete the board, securing the pot for Rettenmaier.

Marvin Rettenmaier – 585,000 (146 bb)
Ming Li – Eliminated

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