Ming-Jing Wong Eliminated by Tzu Sheng Huang

Nov 1, 2019

After several players limp into the pot for 600 each, Ming-Jing Wong moves all in from the small blind for about 18,000. It folds around to Tzu Sheng Huang on the button, and he calls with Spade AHeart K.

Wong turns over Diamond ADiamond 2, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond KHeart QHeart JSpade KClub 2 — Wong flops a gutshot straight draw that would chop the pot, and he pairs his deuce on the river, but it’s too little, too late. Huang wins the pot with trip kings to eliminate Wong.

Tzu Sheng Huang  –  74,000  (123 bb)
Ming-Jing Wong  –  Eliminated

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