Mina Greco Holds with Top Pair to Double

Aug 3, 2018

Charles Sims opens to 1,500 from middle position and is met with a call from the cutoff, as well as Jean Gaspard in the small blind, and Mina Greco in the big blind.

The flop lands Club QClub 4Spade 7 and action checks round to the cutoff who bets 3,700. Gaspard check-raises to 11,000 and Greco responds with a three-bet to 21,500.

Sims folds, as does the cutoff, and after looking up Greco’s chip stack, Gaspard pushes out a stack of chips amounting to 61,000. Greco pauses briefly, and then calls all in for 44,600.

Greco: Diamond AHeart Q
Gaspard: Club AClub 10

Greco was ahead with her top pair, but she would need to fade clubs.

The turn lands the Diamond 10, and river the Diamond Q, and Greco secures a double to over 100,000 in chips.

Mina Greco – 109,500
Jean Gaspard – 55,000
Charles Sims – 230,700

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