Mike Leah Eliminated by Thomas Manning in a Huge Pot

Sep 18, 2010

A player raises from early position, Mike Leah calls from middle position, Thomas Manning calls from the button, and the big blind calls. The flop comes K-6-4 rainbow, the first two players check, Leah bets 825, Manning raises to 2,600, and the first two players fold. Leah calls.

The turn is the [8s], putting two spades on the board. Leah checks, Manning bets 3,100, and Leah calls.

The river is the [2s], Leah checks, Manning bets 11,000, and Leah moves all in for about 34,000. Manning calls, and Leah shows [7c5c] for an eight-high straight on the turn. But Manning shows [Ks4s] for a spade flush.

After the hand, Mike Leah explained that he had put his opponent on something like a set, and thought he could get paid off with his straight. But he didn’t expect that Manning would improve with a runner-runner flush.

Thomas Manning – 97,000 (485 bb)
Mike Leah – Eliminated

With nearly 100,000 in chips, Thomas Manning becomes our new chipleader. Shortly after Leah was eliminated, recent WSOP bracelet winner Jeff Papola joins the table.

Seat 2:  Matt Brady
Seat 4:  Jeff Papola
Seat 5:  Dan O’Brien
Seat 8:  Thomas Manning

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