Sam Gottiparthi Eliminated by Mike Leah; Brian Hodhod Goes Deep Into the Tank

May 19, 2024

A large crowd gathers around table #68 as Sam Gottiparthi is all in for 94,500 from early position on a flop of Heart 6Heart 9Club 8 and Mike Leah raises to 250,000 in middle position.

Brian Hodhod in the hijack then tanks for several minutes into the break while the crowd continues to grow. “Wow, this is crazy,” a spectator says.

Leah finally calls the clock after nearly 10 minutes and Hodhod finally folds. Leah shows Heart AHeart 3 for a flush draw, while Gottiparthi has Spade KSpade 7 for a straight draw.

The board runs out Spade AHeart 10 and Leah hits his flush on the river to win the pot and send Kottiparthi to the rail.

“Very nice play,” Hodhod tells Leah as they join the rest of the field for an abbreviated break.

Mike Leah- 510,000 (102 bb)
Brian Hodhod- 280,000 (56 bb)
Sam Gottiparthi- eliminated

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