Mike Eskandari Eliminated in 30th Place by Tuan Mai

Aug 24, 2018

Mike Eskandari

Sandeep Pulusani opens to 10,000 from the cutoff and Tuan Mai three-bets to 30,000 from the small blind. From the big blind, Mike Eskandari (pictured) shoves all in for 80,000.

Pulusani folds, but Mai calls, and the cards are revealed.

Eskandari: Club ASpade K
Mai: Spade JClub J

The board runs out Diamond 7Diamond 6Heart 5Diamond 10Diamond Q and Eskandari is eliminated in 30th place for a $900 payday.

Tuan Mai – 525,000
Sandeep Pulusani -170,000
Mike Eskandari – Eliminated in 30th Place ($900)

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