Miha Travnik Eliminated By Nick Schulman

May 22, 2012

Season X WPT Slovenia Champ Miha Travnik is on the button and NIck Schulman is in the small blind when the two get it all-in preflop for Travnik’s 100,000 chip stack.  Travnik holds [7d7s]. Schulman is way out front with [KcKs].

The [Jd4d2d] flop does give Travnik a diamond draw, but he fails to hit it with the [5c] on the turn or the [6h] on the river and he is the first eliminated of the day.

With Travnik’s elimination, we also lose one of our 12 remaining WPT Player of the Year candidates in the field, so there is one less person the current frontrunner, Will Failla, needs to worry about doing well in this event.

Nick Schulman – 870,000 (172 BBs)
Miha Travnik – eliminated 

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