Miguel Jimenez Eliminated by Paul Freedman

Jun 25, 2019

Srini Godavarthy is all in from the button for 126,000 against Miguel Jimenez from under the gun.

Godavarthy: Spade AClub K
Jimenez: Diamond ADiamond Q

The board ran out Spade 9Heart 5Club JDiamond 10Club 9 and Godavarthy doubles through leaving Jimenez with just 5,000 in chips.

The next hand, Jimenez is all in from the big blind holding Spade ASpade 5 and is unable to outdraw Paul Freedman’s Diamond ASpade K on a Heart 9Spade 10Heart QClub 2Spade 2 board to be eliminated in 29th place.

Paul Freedman – 400,000
Srini Godavarthy – 277,000
Miguel Jimenez – Eliminated in 29th Place ($1,200)

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