Michele McLeod Chips Up Early with a Set

Jun 25, 2018

Michele McLeod
Photo:  Michele McLeod

From the cutoff, Michele McLeod (pictured) raises to 300, and both Adrian Salomon and Constantinos Fotopoulos call in the blinds.

The flop lands Heart 6Heart 8Club 7 and both Salomon and Fotopoulos check to McLeod who continues for 700.

Salomon calls, as does Fotopoulos before the turn falls the Heart J. Salomon checks, Fotopoulos now leads out for 1,100 and just McLeod calls as Solomon mucks.

The river lands the Club 3 and Fotopoulos bets out 2,100 and McLeod immediately calls.

Fotopoulos reveals his Diamond JHeart 10 for top pair, but McLeod tables her Club 6Diamond 6 for a flopped set, and she scoops this pot.

Michele McLeod – 27,500
Adrian Salomon – 19,000
Constantinos Fotopoulos – 13,400

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