Michal Polchlopek & Jan Susicky Eliminated in 35th & 34th Place (€6,000)

Dec 19, 2013

Michael Polchlopek (Day 3) Piotr Pietrzak opens to 10,500 in midfield, Michal Polchlopek moves all-in from the hijack for 58,000, Jan Susicky moves all-in from the big blind – also for 58,000 – and Pietrzak makes the call.

We have a three way showdown and Pietrzak covers both players.


Pietrzak: [Qd] [Td]
Susicky: [Ah] [Qh]
Polchlopek: [As] [Jh]

"GIve me some diamonds," says Piotr Pietrzak.

Flop: [Ad] [Qs] [3d]

The deck duly oblgies, but it also gives Susicky top two pair.

Turn: [6c]

Susicky is still heading for a triple up.

River: [9d]

The flush its the deck and Pietrzak has eliminated both players and now has 355,000.

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