Michael Stembera Eliminated in 69th Place ($22,054)

Dec 8, 2017

Michael Stembera opens to 14,000 in middle position and Sean Perry three-bets to 35,000 next to act.

The action returns to Stembera, and he four-bets to 125,000. Perry calls, and the dealer spreads a Spade 4Spade 7Heart K flop.

Stembera announces he is all in for 115,000 and Perry snap-calls.

Stembera: Spade JDiamond J
Perry: Diamond KSpade K

Stembera is drawing dead to running jacks, and when the turn and river land the Diamond 8 and Diamond 10, Stembera is eliminated in 69th place while Perry soars to 1,650,000 in chips.

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