Michael O'Sullivan Eliminated in 10th Place (C$83,500)

Nov 3, 2018

Michael O'Sullivan

Michael O’Sullivan (pictured) raises to 120,000 from under the gun, and the action folds to Patrick Serda in the small blind. Serda three-bets and Ema Zajmovic folds in the big blind.

With the action back on O’Sullivan, he moves all in for around 2.2 million and Serda calls.

O’Sullivan: Heart KClub K
Serda: Heart ADiamond K

O’Sullivan is ahead with pocket kings and the favorite for a double up. The flop falls Heart QDiamond 6Diamond 8 giving Serda just a backdoor flush draw.

O’Sullivan keeps his lead on the Diamond 4 turn, but Serda picks up the king high flush draw.

“One time,” says Serda, before the river reveals the Diamond Q to complete his flush.

Serda has a shocked look on his face as O’Sullivan walks over to shake his hand.

The stacks are confirmed, and Serda has O’Sullivan covered, meaning the Irishman departs in 10th place.

Patrick Serda – 4,6000,000
Michael O’Sullivan – Eliminated in 10th Place (C$83,500)

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