Rami Hammoud Punishes the Limper

May 18, 2024

Brian Turnbull limps in from early position and Mike Leah raises to 2,000 in the cutoff. Rami Hammoud reraises to 6,000 and Turnbull calls, while Leah gets out of the way.

The flop comes Spade 3Spade 2Diamond 7 and Turnbull leads out for 10,000. Hammoud then moves all in for around 30,000.

Turnbull spends several minutes in the tank before he folds. “I was really contemplating that one,” he tells Hammoud.

Rami Hammoud- 80,000 (160 bb)
Brian Turnbull- 95,000 (190 bb)
Mike Leah- 60,000 (120 bb)

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