Michael Doucette Eliminated in ~51st Place by Carlos Correa

May 19, 2024

Carlos Correa
Photo:  Carlos Correa

Carlos Correa raises UTG+1 to 50,000, Michael Doucette reraises from the button to 110,000, and Correa uses a Time Chip to tank for a while before he calls.

The flop comes Heart AHeart 6Diamond 5, Correa checks, Doucette moves all in for about 180,000, and Correa quickly calls with Spade AHeart K for a pair of aces. Doucette turns over Spade 9Heart 9, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Club 2, the river card is the Spade 5, and Correa wins the pot with two pair, aces and fives, to eliminate Doucette in about 51st place.

Carlos Correa  –  950,000  (48 bb)
Michael Doucette  –  Eliminated in ~51st Place  (CAD $12,200)

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