Micah Raskin vs. Pim Van Wieringen

Nov 22, 2013

Micah Raskin raises from the hijack to 6,500, Pim Van Wieringen reraises from the button to 16,500, and Raskin calls. The flop comes [10c10d7d], Raskin checks, Van Wieringen bets 14,500, and Raskin calls.

The turn is the [Kh], Raskin bets 20,000, and Van Wieringen calls. The river card double-pairs the board with the [Kc], and Raskin moves all in for about 55,000. Van Wieringen folds, and Raskin takes the pot.

Micah Raskin  –  160,000  (53 bb)
Pim Van Wieringen  –  97,000  (32 bb)

Raskin was extremely short stacked yesterday, down to about five big blinds with about 50 players remaining, but he managed a comeback to give himself a fighting chance. He will have to survive a little bit longer to reach the money, however, as only the final 24 will get paid.

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