Meo Xinhh's ladies knock out two players

May 27, 2022

Meo Xinhh is sporting a mighty arsenal having just sent two players to the rail. Action starts off with Cuong Ngoc Huynh raising to 1,500, Ashish Munot calls, Xinhh three-bets to 6,000, down the orbit one player with a four-bet jam of 47k. Both Xinhh and Huynh call with Huynh putting himself at risk. 

Player Club 9Spade 9
Cuong Ngoc Huynh Spade ADiamond K
Meo Xinhh Spade QDiamond Q

No hits on the board for the at risk player for a double bust. Xinhh crosses over 100,000 in chips. 

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