Mehdi Yazdanpanah Puts Habib Kahawaty on the Brink

Aug 23, 2024

Mehdi YazdanpanahPhoto: Mehdi Yazdanpanah

Following an early position raise to 8,000, Mehdi Yazdanpanah moves all in for 57,000 from late position and then Habib Kahawaty does likewise to his immediate left for 69,000.

Action folds to Eirini Kokini in the big blind who asks for counts of both stacks. After some thought with her holding a stack slightly covering both potential opponents, she folds.

The original raiser folds as well and the two short stacks await their fates.

Mehdi Yazdanpanah: Diamond KDiamond J
Habib Kahawaty: Spade AHeart Q

Kahawaty is ahead until the flop comes Spade KHeart 7Diamond 2, pairing Yazdanpanah’s king. The turn Spade J gives him two pair, and the board completes with the Heart A, bringing false excitement to Kahawaty as he didn’t realize that his now top pair was no good against his opponent’s two pair.

He’s left with just 12,000 chips which disappeared shortly after, while Yazdanpanah doubles up to survive.

Mehdi Yazdanpanah – 132,000 (33 bb)
Habib Kahawaty – eliminated

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