Maxim Kogay Gets Max Value from Anoop Jugurnath

May 12, 2024

On a flop of Spade 6Spade 7Spade 4, Anoop Jugurnath and Maxim Kogay check and another player bets 12,000. Jugurnath makes the call but then Kogay check-raises to 40,000, resulting in a fold from the first player and a call from Kogay. 

The turn peels the Club 5 and Jugurnath checks to Kogay, who continues for 50,000 and Jugurnath calls. 

The river falls the Heart 3, putting a straight on the board and Jugurnath leads for 50,000, which Kogay responds to by moving all in for a little more. Jugurnath tosses out the necessary chips and tables Heart QSpade 8 for an eight-high straight but then Kogay tables Spade KSpade Q for a flopped king-high flush to take down the pot.

Maxim Kogay – 305,000 (76 bb)
Anoonp Jugurnath – (21 bb) 

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