Matthew Parry Trending in the Wrong Direction

Feb 15, 2015

After a flop of Qdiamond9heart9club, Matthew Parry bets 65,000 under the gun, Mark Bailey raises from the button to 200,000, and Parry asks for a count of Bailey’s remaining chips before he folds. Bailey takes the pot.

Mark Bailey  –  1,120,000
Matthew Parry  –  975,000

Two hands later, Parry raises from the small blind to 45,000, and Erik Cajelais calls from the big blind.

The flop comes 10club9spade6spade, Parry checks, Cajelais bets 60,000, and Parry calls. The turn is the 4spade, and both players check.

The river is the Qheart, Parry bets 125,000, and Cajelais calls. Parry says, “You got it,” and Cajelais shows 9heart8spade to win the pot with a pair of nines.

Erik Cajelais  –  1,285,000  (80 bb)
Matthew Parry  –  720,000  (45 bb)

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