Matt Vengrin Eliminates Martin Nielsen

Dec 8, 2023

2-7 Triple Draw

A short-stacked Martin Nielsen raises under-the-gun and gets called by Matt Vengrin in the small blind.

Both players then draw two and check. On the second draw, they each take two again, but this time Vengrin bets. Nielsen raises to commit his final chips and Vengrin calls.

Vengrin pats his hand while Nielsen needs to draw one.

Vengrin shows his X 9X 8X 5X 4X 3 and Nielsen shows X 7X 5X 4X 2 for a very live drawing hand, needing any nine, eight, six, or three to stay alive.

Unfortunately for Nielsen, he pairs his seven, eliminating him from the tournament, but he does so with a smile, saying he had fun in the tournament.

Matt Vengrin – 192,000
Martin Nielsen – eliminated 

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