Matt Vengrin Doubles up and More

Dec 11, 2023

Matt Vengrin raises to 27,000 under the gun and gets three-bet to 75,000 to his immediate left. The big blind then moves all in for 104,000.

Now back on Vengrin, he five-bets to 175,000 and the player to his left calls.

On the Spade KSpade 8Diamond 4 flop, Vengrin moves all in for 163,000 and gets called.

Matt Vengrin: Spade QDiamond Q
Early Position: Heart AHeart K
Big Blind: Diamond ADiamond J

Vengrin’s queens trail his the early position player’s flopped kings, but the Spade 3 turn and Spade 10 river give Vengrin a running flush to score the double-up and more.

Matt Vengrin – 730,000 (60 bb)

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