Matt Affleck vs. Vladimir Shchemelev

Oct 17, 2010

Matt Affleck raises from middle position and Vladimir Shchemelev defends from the big blind.  Both players check the [AdKhQh] flop an Shchemelev bets 5,000 when the [Jd] comes on the turn.

Affleck calls and the river brings the [3d].  Shchemelev once again bets 5,000 and Affleck raises to 31,500 total.  Shchemelev calls.

"Flush," Affleck proclaims as he turns up [6d9d] for a rivered diamond flush.  Shchemelev mucks and Affleck takes the pot.

Matt Affleck – 580,000 (290 big blinds)
Vladimir Shchemelev – 200,000 (100 big blinds)

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