Mateus Carrion Catches Young Sik Eum Speeding

Dec 17, 2023

With more than two million in the middle to the Diamond QClub JClub 5Diamond 8 turn, Young Sik Eum pushes all-in with the covering stack. Mateus Carrion eventually calls and they flip them over.

Mateus Carrion: Spade ASpade Q
Young Sik Eum: Diamond AHeart K

Carrion is ahead and needs to dodge a king or ten, which he does thanks to the Heart 5 river. The double of the Brazilian is worth 1,595,000 and he puts a dent into the big stack of Eum.

Mateus Carrion – 5,300,000 (106 bb)
Young Sik Eum – 3,375,000 (67 bb)

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