Masato Shimizu Doubles Thru Tatsuki Nakamura

Sep 22, 2018

After a flop of Diamond AHeart KDiamond 7 with about 40K already in the pot, Masato Shimizu moves all in from the small blind for 53,000. Tatsuki Nakamura thinks for a while before he calls from the big blind, and Subaru Takeshita folds from middle position.

Nakamura shows Diamond 8Diamond 6 for a diamond flush draw, and then he groans when Shimizu claps and turns over Diamond KDiamond Q for a higher flush draw.

The turn card is the Club 5, giving Nakamura a shot to come from behind with an open-ended straight draw.

The river card is the Diamond 9, and Nakamura celebrates his nine-high straight for a brief moment before he realizes they both hit their flush draws, and Shimizu wins the pot with his king-high flush to double up in chips.

Masato Shimizu  –  147,000  (29 bb)
Subaru Takeshita  –  330,000  (66 bb)
Tatsuki Nakamura  –  88,000  (18 bb)

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