Mas Tavangari Doubles Thru Ron Laplante

Feb 24, 2017

Mas Tavangari
Mas Tavangari (pictured) moves all in from under the gun for his last 170,000 and action folds around to chip leader Ron Laplante in the small blind. Laplante does not see Tavangari is all-in and announces raise. Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault loudly announces he is folding before Laplante counts out what the table assumes is going to be a substantial reraise.

The dealer points out to Laplante there is an all-in in front of him and Laplante tries to fold. The floor person rules his call of the all-in is binding and Laplante turns over his Spade 6Heart 2. Tavangari shows his Heart ADiamond 9 and lets out a frustrated, “Arggh” at the idea of possibly busting because of Laplante’s honest mistake.

The Heart 10Spade 7Spade 5Club 4Diamond 5 board is a safe one for Tavangari though and he doubles up to survive. Laplante loses the chip lead to tablemate David Eldridge as a result of his mistaken call.

Mas Tavangari – 375,000 (16 bb)
Ron Laplante – 1,545,000 (64 bb)

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