Martin Tamaro Eliminated on Day 1O Money Bubble by Jaideep Sajwan

Jan 4, 2020

Martin Tamaro

Nick Grippo raises to 40,000 in middle position and Noam Muallem calls in the cutoff. Jaideep Sajwan calls on the button, as does Kevin Quan in the small blind.

From the big blind, Martin Tamaro (pictured) moves all in for 297,000, and after Grippo and Muallem fold, Sajwan calls, and Quan folds.

Tamaro: Spade JClub J
Sajwan: Heart AHeart Q

The board runs out Club 3Spade KClub 8Heart 9Spade Q and Tamaro is eliminated in 25th place.

Jaideep Sajwan – 819,000
Martin Tamaro – Eliminated in 25th Place ($1,200)

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