Martin Kabrhel Shoves on Jessica Pilkington

Feb 22, 2020

Martin Kabrhel makes it 20,000 from the middle position and Jessica Pilkington reraises to 85,000 from the hijack. Action folds to Kabrhel who calls.

The flop falls Spade ASpade 5Club 10 and Kabrhel checks.

“Kings no good, Sheffield,” he starts talking to Pilkington, who remains quiet. She checks back.

The turn is the Heart 8 and Kabrhel bets 21,000.

“Now, I will make kings fold with my ace-banana,” Kabrhel says. Pilkington calls, though.

“This is a terrible call. Like…terrible,” Kabrhel continues.

The river comes Heart 4 and Kabrhel announces a bet of 500,000, approximately three times as much as Pilkington has left. Pilkington lets her hand go and Kabrhel crosses the 1-million mark.

Martin Kabrhel – 1,090,000
Jessica Pilkington – 165,000

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