Marsha Wolak Takes a Pot Against Joe Dimartino

Jan 29, 2013

In the last hand of the previous level, Marsha Wolak raises from the button to 6,000, Joe Dimartino reraises from the small blind to 13,000, and Wolak calls. The flop comes [As10d7h], Dimartino bets 14,500, and Wolak calls.

The turn card is the [Kc], Dimartino bets 26,000, and Wolak moves all in for 152,600. Dimartino tanks for a long time into the break, and a crowd gathers to wait for his decision.

Dimartino eventually folds [Kh10c] face up — two pair — and Wolak takes the pot.

Several players at the table plead with Wolak to show her cards, but she slides them face down toward the muck as she pulls in a nice pot.

Marsha Wolak  –  250,000  (83 bb)
Joe Dimartino  –  350,000  (116 bb)

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