Markus Wüst vs Christoph Spörri

Sep 6, 2024

Christoph Spörri raises to 2,000 and then calls a three-bet to 5,500 by Markus Wüst, which leads them to the Club 4Spade 4Spade 3 flop. Wüst continues for 7,500 and instantly wins the pot.

Both Wüst and Spörri remain just below the starting stack while Ivo Donev and Philippe Wettstein lead the way on the same table.

Ivo Donev – 105,000 (105 bb)
Philippe Wettstein – 105,000 (105 bb)
Markus Wüst – 38,000 (38 bb)
Christoph Spörri – 37,000 (34 bb)

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