Markus Grabher Takes Down Two Pairs of Aces

Sep 7, 2023

Markus GrabnerPhoto: Markus Grabher

After Markus Grabher moves all in from early position for 36,500, Ali Arda Gueven does likewise from middle position for 18,500. Vito Labarile then calls and the rest of the table folds.

Vito Labarile: Diamond AHeart A
Ali Arda Gueven: Spade AClub A
Markus Grabher: Diamond JClub J

Grabher is up against not one, but two pairs of aces, leaving Gueven also unlikely to double-up. However, the dealer spreads a flop of Spade JDiamond 9Heart 9, giving Grabher a full house, and with the rainbow texture, leaving both opponents drawing dead to nearly triple up and eliminate Gueven before the inconsequential turn and river were dealt.

Markus Grabher – 99,000 (33 bb)
Vito Labarile – 100,000 (33 bb)
Ali Arda Gueven – Eliminated

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