Mark van der Loo Doubles

Sep 17, 2022

WPT Prime Madrid main event 1a
Photo – Mark van der Loo

Mark van der Loo moves all in from early position for his last 22,500 and action folded to the small blind, who moves all in over the top. The big blind folds and the cards are tabled.

van der Loo – Club AClub 10
Small Blind – Heart AHeart 7

van der Loo is way ahead, having his opponent dominated, but when the dealer spreads the Heart 9Heart 4Diamond 9, the small blind flops the nut flush draw.

The turn Spade 3 and the river Diamond 8 complete the board, and van der Loo holds to secure the double.

Mark van der Loo – 49,000 (25 bb)

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