Mark Sloane Eliminated in 16th Place (CAD $4,700) by Fabio Luongo

Aug 24, 2016

Mark Sloane raises under the gun to 32,000, and Fabio Luongo checks Sloane’s stack to see that he has a total of about 200,000. Luongo reraises to 200,000, and it folds back to Sloane, who moves all in for a little bit more.

Luongo calls with Spade AClub K, and Sloane turns over Spade 8Heart 8. Sloane needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Heart ADiamond KHeart 7Club 10Heart 5, and Luongo flops two pair to win the pot and eliminate Sloane in 16th place.

Fabio Luongo  –  745,000  (47 bb)
Mark Sloane  –  Eliminated in 16th Place  (CAD $4,700)

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