Mark Radoja Doubles Up and Takes One Out

Nov 1, 2019

Marc Redoqa

Julien Trad raises to 4,000 from middle position, Ahmad Rehaime calls from middle position and Bernard Nahas three-bets all in for 16,000 from the small blind. Mark Radoja (pictured) calls from the big blind, Trad reraises all in for about 74,000, Rehaime folds and Radoja calls all in for 71,000.

Trad: Spade QClub Q
Nahas: Diamond ADiamond Q
Radoja: Club KDiamond K

The board runs out Spade 6Spade 5Club 2Spade 9Heart J, safe for Radoja to double through Trad and eliminate Nahas.

Mark Radoja – 164,000
Julien Trad – 3,000
Bernard Nahas – Eliminated

Marc Redoqa

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