Mark Ericksen Eliminated by De Kun Li; Li Up to 655,000

Sep 24, 2022

Mark Ericksen
Photo:  Mark Ericksen

Mark Ericksen min-raises under the gun to 8,000, Hasian Hyde calls from middle position, and De Kun Li reraises from the button to 31,000. Ericksen calls, and Hyde thinks for a bit before he folds.

The flop comes Spade ASpade QHeart 8, Ericksen checks, Li bets 30,000, and Ericksen calls.

The turn card is the Heart 4, Ericksen checks, Li moves all in, and Ericksen quickly calls all in for about 130,000 with Heart ASpade K for a pair of aces.

But Li turns over Diamond AClub A for a set of aces, and Ericksen is drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Diamond 10, and Li wins the pot with his set of aces to eliminate Ericksen from the tournament.

De Kun Li  –  655,000  (164 bb)
Hasian Hyde  –  178,000  (45 bb)
Mark Ericksen  –  Eliminated

After the hand, Hyde tells the table he folded pocket eights, but didn’t want to play them out of position. He tells Li that if Li had raised a little less (maybe to 20K), Hyde would have called to see the flop and lost his entire stack.

De Kun Li
Photo:  De Kun Li

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