Mark Bryan Eliminated in 9th Place ($96,883)

Feb 25, 2009

Hand #28  –  Blake Cahail raises from middle position to 100,000, Mark Bryan moves all in from the button, and Cahail calls with [KdKs]. Bryan shows [10d9d], and he’ll need to improve to stay alive. 

The flop comes [Kh8d8c], and Cahail flops a full house, kings full of eights. Bryan has three diamonds in a row, so his only outs are to a runner-runner straight flush or running eights to put four of a kind on the board for a chop. 

The turn is the [9s], the river is the [8h], and Blake Cahail wins the pot with his full house. Mark Bryan is eliminated in ninth place, earning $96,883. 

Blake Cahail  –  3,500,000
Mark Bryan  –  Out in 9th Place ($96,883)

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