Mark Banks Eliminated by Mario Milhoes

Sep 1, 2017

Mark Banks
Mark Banks (pictured above playing Day 1A) limped from the button and Rui Milhomens raised in the small blind to 2,250. Mario Milhoes called in the big blind and with the action back on Banks he three-bet to 8,000. Milhomens folded and Milhoes called.

The flop came Spade 3Heart KDiamond 7 and both players checked.

The turn brought the Heart 8. Milhoes tanked and bet 5,000. Banks raised to 15,000 and Milhoes thought again for around a minute or so. The Portuguese player called.

The river was the Heart 9. Milhoes moved all in and Banks called.

Milhoes showed Heart 10Heart 3 and Banks mucked X KX K. Milhoes moved up to around 100,000.

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