Mark Adkins Shoves Turn on James Hundt

Jun 22, 2019

Mark Adkins
Photo:  Jeff Fielder (left) and Mark Adkins

Sung Joo Hyun raises to 17,000 from under the gun and James Hundt calls on the button, as does Mark Adkins from the big blind.

The flop lands Diamond 4Diamond 9Heart 4 and Hyun continues for 35,000. Hundt calls, but Adkins check-raises to 108,000.

Hyun folds, and Hundt calls as the turn is the Heart 7. Adkins moves all in for 235,000 and Hundt folds.

Mark Adkins – 570,000
James Hundt – 140,000
Sung Joo Hyun – 660,000

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