Maria Lampropulos Doubles Off Ivan Karatayeu

Apr 12, 2024

Emil Bise raises to 4,000 in the cutoff before Maria Lampropulos moves all in for 18,500 on the button. Ivan Karatayeu calls in the big blind, while Bise folds.

Maria Lampropulos: Spade 9Diamond 9
Ivan Karatayeu: Heart ASpade J

The flop comes Club 9Spade 2Diamond 8 and Lampropulos hits top set to take a big lead in the pot. The Club 8 turn improves her to a full house, while she secures the double up following the Spade Q river.

Maria Lampropulos- 41,000 (21 bb)
Ivan Karatayeu- 60,000 (30 bb)
Emil Bise- 130,000 (75 bb)

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