Marco Caza Eliminated in 33rd Place by Spencer Mclean

Nov 17, 2015

Marco Caza

Spencer Mclean raises under the gun, Trevor Delaney reraises from middle position to 70,000, and Marco Caza (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for 376,000. Mclean folds, and Delaney calls with Heart 10Club 10. Caza turns over Diamond ADiamond K, and he needs to improve to stay alive. (At this point, Mclean claims to have folded pocket nines.)

The board comes Club KClub 9Club 7Spade 6Spade 8 — Caza pairs his king on the flop, but Delaney catches a runner-runner 10-high straight to win the pot and eliminate Caza from the tournament.

Trevor Delaney  –  1,595,000  (133 bb)
Spencer Mclean  –  560,000  (47 bb)
Marco Caza  –  Eliminated in 33rd Place  (CAD $13,370)

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