Marcello Del Grosso Eliminated in 19th Place By Brian Altman

May 3, 2016

Marcello Delgrasso

Marcello Del Grosso (pictured) raises to 38,000 only to have Brian Altman three-bet to 75,000 from the button. Both blinds fold and Del Grosso hits the tank for a bit before moving all in for approximately 300,000. Altman snap-calls.

Altman: Heart QClub Q
Del Grosso: Heart AClub J

Altman’s queens were well out in front, and that’s just where they stayed as the board ran out a clean Club 6Diamond 9Diamond 3Heart KSpade 10.

Brian Altman – 930,000 (51.5 bbs)
Marcello Del Grosso – Eliminated in 19th Place (CAD $11,480)

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