Marc Inizan Faces Resistance

Nov 20, 2022

Kai Jan Chou raises to 120,000 and Marc Inizan defends the big blind. On a Heart QHeart 6Heart 3 flop and Heart 4 turn, both players opt to check. Chou bets the Spade 2 river for 80,000 and Chou raises to 285,000.

Inizan is puzzled for a while and then folds.

“Nuts?” one player asks and Chou shakes his head.

“I thought about raising to 1.5 million,” Inizan says in chat and Chou replies “too early”.

One hand later in the last hand of the level, Inizan raises to 205,000 in the small blind. Yao Wei Huang three-bets to 650,000 and Inizan folds.

Marc Inizan – 5,400,000 (90 bb)
Kai Jan Chou – 3,200,000 (53 bb)
Yao Wei Huang – 2,800,000 (47 bb)

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