Marc Guerbilsky Out in 23rd Place (CAD $7,326)

Mar 31, 2014

Marc Guerbilsky raises to 125,000 from middle position preflop and Mario Lim reraises to 450,000 on the cutoff. Guerbilsky reraises all in and Lim calls to cover him. The two players then table their hands.

Lim: [KsKd]
Guerbilsky: [2d2h]

Board: [7h7d5hKhJd]

Guerbilsky is eliminated in 23rd place and Lim grows his stack to 2.8 million after the hand.

Mario Lim – 2,800,000 (56 bb)
Marc Guerbilsky – Eliminated in 23rd Place (CAD $7,326)

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