Manuel Bevand Eliminated by Chanracy Khun

Apr 8, 2013

Manuel Bevand
Manuel Bevand limps from the small blind, Chanracy Khun raises to 21,000 in the big blind and Bevand calls.

Flop: [Kc] [Td] [3h]

Bevand check-calls a 23,000 Khun bet.

Turn: [4d]

Bevand check-calls a 53,000 Khun bet.

River: [7c]

This pot is getting serious and you can sense it’s going to be a big river decision for Bevand. The Frenchman taps the felt and after a moments pause, Khun moves all-in.

"Did he just say all-in?" Bevand asks the dealer after removing his headphones.

Bevand stews for at least five minutes before the clock is called. The Tournament Director starts counting down from ten when Bevand makes the call. Khun shows pocket aces and Bevand looks to the heavens. He’s a beaten man. The dealer turns his cards over to show jack-ten offsuit.

Khun ~ 890,000

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