Manfred Eberhard Frick Doubles Thru Alexis Tremblay

Sep 8, 2024

Alexis Tremblay raises to 300,000 and Manfred Eberhard Frick calls in the big blind. They check to the Heart KHeart 7Spade 7Spade 4 turn on which Frick jams for 1,700,000, Tremblay calls.

Manfred Eberhard Frick: Heart AHeart J
Alexis Tremblay: Spade JDiamond J

The river is the Heart 4 and Frick improves to a flush for the double.

Manfred Eberhard Frick – 4,200,000 (28 bb)
Alexis Tremblay – 1,100,000 (7 bb)

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