Malikeh Razavi Doubles Up

Feb 19, 2020

Malikeh Razavi

Daniil Kiselev raises to 1,200 under the gun, Adrian-Sorel State reraises to 4,000 from the hijack, and Malikeh Razavi cold four-bet shoves on his left. Kiselev asks how big is Razavi’s wager, but he folds. State calls the 7,300-shove to close the action, prompting a showdown.

Razavi: Diamond QClub Q
State: Diamond ADiamond 7

Razavi prevails on the Club 2Club JHeart 5Heart 8Spade Q runout and scoops the chips from State.

Adrian-Sorel State – 54,000
Malikeh Razavi – 17,100

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