Malik Gagandeep Increases His Chipleading Stack to 115K

Oct 18, 2019

Malik Gagandeep

A player raises to 600, chipleader Malik Gagandeep calls from late position, and both blinds call.

The flop comes Club 10Heart 9Diamond 4, and action checks to Gagandeep, who bets 1,200. The small blind calls, and the big blind check-raises to 5,100. The next player folds, and Gagandeep and the small blind both call.

The turn card is the Diamond 6, the small blind checks, and the big blind bets 10,500. Gagandeep calls, and the small blind folds.

The river card is the Diamond 5, the big blind checks, Gagandeep bets 14,000, and the big blind folds. Gagandeep takes the pot to increase his chip lead even further.

Malik Gagandeep  –  115,000  (575 bb)

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