Maksim Lebedev Picks Up Aces Versus Kings

Nov 25, 2023

Maksim Lebedev
Photo:  Maksim Lebedev

Caleb Piderit raises to 800 in early position before Maksim Lebedev three-bets to 2,400 on the button. The small blind four-bets to 6,200, Piderit folds, but Lebedev comes back with a five-bet to 12,400. The small blind then moves all in for around 40,000 and Lebedev calls.

All-In Player: Heart KClub K
Maksim Lebedev: Spade ADiamond A

Lebedev shows he had woken up with aces as the board comes Spade 2Club 9Diamond QSpade 3Club 3, keeping him in the lead and sending his opponent to an early exit.

Maksim Lebedev- 130,000 (433 bb)

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