Lushing Still Leading

Nov 8, 2014

Current chip leader Scott LushingWe’re scouting for big stacks currently, thinking ahead to the end of the night and that "chip leader bonus" of $5,000 that awaits the player ending play with the biggest stack in the room.

Saied Zamiri has been making his case for that title, having built up a stack of about 255,000 as the midway point of Level 9 arrives. There are a few others approaching the 200,000-chip mark, including Diane Casino who has about 175,000.

But Scott Lushing continues to be the pace-setter, his run good continuing just now in a hand in which he scored yet another knockout. This one saw a raise and call, then Lushing reraising from the button and watching a short-stacked opponent going all in from the small blind. The others folded, Lushing called, and his opponent turned over [Ad][Kd]. All then laughed when Lushing showed his cards — [As][Ac].

The board came [Qd][4h][5d][9s][8s], and Lushing’s aces held. "I think you might have me covered," cracked his opponent, and Lushing chuckled as he added still more to his stack. He presently has about 310,000.

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