Luke Staudenmaier Doubles Thru Dan Heimiller

Feb 28, 2011

 Luke Staudenmaier raises to 20,000 on the button and Dan Heimiller reraises to 60,000 out of the small blind.  Staudenmaier moves all-in for around 210,000 and Heimiller goes in the tank.

After a few minutes of thought, Heimiller tells Staudenmaier, "I don’t think you have a pair bigger than my small pair."  He gives Staudenmaier once last glance, then says, "Okay, I call."

Staudenmaier shows [Ac6c] and Heimiller turns over [Kh7h].  The board runs out [Qh9s3hJsJc] and Staudenmaier doubles up.

Luke Staudenmaier – 455,000
Dan Heimiller – 380,000

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