Lukasz Jankowski Doubles Through Patrick Leonard

Nov 4, 2016

Lukasz JankowskiLukasz Jankowski checked it to Patrick Leonard who bet 35,000 and Janowski called.

Throughout the hand Leonard wold look relaxed and untroubled, taking delivery of a snack, sipping his drink and enjoying a twix. Jankowski on the other hand was stock still, taking his time with every decision.

The turn card was the Club 5 and Jankowski check-called a bet of 54,000 from Leonard.

The river was the Club 4 and a final check from Jankowski saw Leonard bet enough to put Janowski all in which was 120,000.

Janowski called Leonard showed his Diamond AHeart A but the pot went to Jankowski with his top set Spade QDiamond Q.

Big double for Janowski while Leonard was left with just 40,000 or ten big blinds.

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